
Epidemiological research is a focus of Greifswald University Medical Centre, which has been conducting the “Study of Health in Pomerania”, an extensive epidemiological study with many thousands of participants, for more than 20 years now. We use artificial intelligence methods to mine this treasure trove of data and investigate complex associations between molecular, clinical, social and behavioural factors and disease risks.

Involved Research Groups

Prof. Dr. Lars Kaderali

Institut für Bioinformatik
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
AG Kaderali

Prof. Dr. Stefan Simm

Institut für Bioinformatik
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
AG Simm

Prof. Dr. Mario Stanke

Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Universität Greifswald
AG Stanke

Till Ittermann

Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Universität Greifswald
AG Stanke



Publications will soon be displayed here


Prof. Dr. Lars Kaderali
e-mail: lars.kaderali@med.uni-greifswald.de